Our curriculum is that we want our children to be confident, independent learners, that are willing to have a go and persist with challenges and can communicate effectively. This is done as a mixture of free play and focused activities that follow the child’s lead (interests). As practitioners we will extend and challenge their learning in all areas of d
Our Curriculum is what we teach (Intent), our pedagogy is how we teach it (Implement) and the outcomes are the (Impact).
Our Pedagogy is we use in the moment planning, along with small focus group work. We use the development matters alongside the statutory guidance to support us in our approach.
Caterpillar Area Curriculum Goals
• Begin to become Independent
• Speak with 2-3 words
• Follow Simple instructions
• Good listening and attention
• Make lines and marks
• Begin to use the potty
Butterfly Area Curriculum Goals
• Able to share and take turns
• Be independent in toileting
• Be able to put own coat on/Dress with some support
• Able to make their own choices
• To be able to talk about their own experiences, talk about what they are doing and confidently ask and answer questions
• Confident to have a go and try things
• Begin to make mark to represent their name/Talk about their drawings